
What should farmer use cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer

In 2013, Cocoly created a new category of fertilizer, granular water-soluble fertilizer. Cocoly fertilizer has been well received by the common people since it came into the market.

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is rich in nutrients, so it brings excellent results to farmers all over the world. Because a special element, PAS is added, cocoly fertilizer has ability of adjusting Ph value of soil.

So what should farmers do with this unique and amazing fertilizer?


Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is 100% soluble, so it can be used by all of irrigation and application method.

● Furrow application and hole application is available.

● You can just sprinkle cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer and water it.


● You can mix cocoly fertilizer and dissolve it, then irrigate the solution to the roots.


● It is no problem to flush it with the water because of the solubility.


● It is popular to use drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro sprinkler irrigation and other water-fertilizer integration equipment!

● Mixing cocoly with other fertilizers as base fertilizer will improve the absorption rate of another fertilizer.


● For foliar spraying, the effect is also excellent!

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is so convenient, you can use it however you want! Cocoly can be used on vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, field crops and so on.


Why experienced farmer choose cocoly granular water soluble

Time: August, 2019 
Address: Xinjiang, China
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He has been using cocoly for two years. He said: “The quality of the Hui jujube I grow is the best in the area and the commercial value is higher than that of the ones that were not fertilized by cocoly.” Jujube trees have a very large amount of fruit so that many jujube trees have been crushed. He fertilized cocoly twice on this fields by flush irrigation, 78kg cocoly + 60kg High K fertilizer per acre.

 This is a farmer who plants Hui jujube in Aksu, Xinjiang province and owns 5 acres of Hui jujube fields. Two years ago, a experienced farmer introduced cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer to him. Yet he did not dare to change the fertilizer easily. He was afraid that if he used bad fertilizer, his harvest would be lost. After careful instructions from cocoly dealer, he decided to use the fertilizer.
 Seeing such good growth, this year is another bumper year for him! Cocoly granular would like to bring the joy of harvest to all the farmers in the world.


Indian 10tv reported the first granular water soluble fertilizer cocoly

As "Top 10 Excellent Exporters of Fertilizers in China", Cocoly has been exported to India for many years. As we know, India is an big agricultural country with huge population. Cocoly became a famous fertilizer brand in India by the efforts of cocoly family.
Once again, cocoly team came to the Indian market and helped organize farmers' meetings. Each farmer's fair attracted at least 400 farmers from far away. After the demonstration and introduction of cocoly team, the new customers fell in love with our product and the old customers understood it better. 

Gaurav, a village head specially drove two hours to a farmer meeting with two sons, He especially appreciated the product and said: "the effect of cocoly fertilizer is amazing, after using more than a year, the productions of potatoes, rice are increased by more than 35%.”
After a long time of marketing work by dealers and joint efforts of the company, farmers in India gradually feel the charm of cocoly fertilizer. In just over a year, cocoly fertilizer has entered dozens of cities and towns in India, including Olandabad, Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon and Kolkata. 
Cocoly fertilizer improved farmers' problem and increased crop yields. Cocoly became one of the most influential fertilizers in India and brought the harvest to Indian agriculture.
With the further promotion of "The Belt And Road - China agricultural brand dream", the founder of granular water-soluble fertilizer, Cocoly has exported to more than 20 countries, including India, Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, Japan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Jordan in 2018. And it is called as “The 1st Exporter of China Agriculture” by media!


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The effect of cocoly fertilizer on kiwi fruits is amazing

After using cocoly fertilizer, melon's sweetness and taste were improved.

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After using cocoly fertilizer, melon's sweetness and taste were improved.

Time: July, 2019 
Address: Liaoning, China
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Cocoly team went to visit the melon field in the northern part. Before using cocoly, the farmers used to use traditional fertilizer so that the growth of melons was in bad quality. When cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer entered northern part, cocoly became very popular. After using cocoly fertilizer, melons’ sweetness and taste were improved. The leaves and stems on the bottom were old, but new ones are growing on top. Both of plants and melons are with good quality after using cocoly. They got one more harvest this year because of using cocoly fertilizer. The farmer owns 2 acres of melon fields. A single use of cocoly fertilizer before harvest 
resulted in an extra $3,000 for the farmer. Now farmers there became loyal customers of cocoly fertilizer. Cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer brings the joy of harvest to farmers all around the world.


Cocoly is specialty plant nutrients and soil nursery (balancing PH of soil)

In this urban-industrial social, all human is depends on arable farming for food that is generated by farmers.

Soils provide plants with essential minerals and nutrients by providing air for gaseous exchange between roots and atmosphere. But we need to take care of the soil pH.

The relative acidity or alkalinity of soil is indicated by its pH. Correct soil pH helps the soil to work its function normally to plant growth.

How to indicate the soil pH?

As we know, pH in soil is a scale of acidity  from 0 to 14, which tells how acidic or alkaline a soil is. 

A reading of 7.0 in the middle represents "neutral". A measurement of below 7 is considered to be acidic while a measurement above 7 is basic or alkaline. 
ü When the pH is 5 and below, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium become less available to plants, earthworms disappear and bacteria become less active.

ü When the pH is 8 and higher, iron and zinc become less available to plants, chlorotic leaves develop, and salt burn from sodium and boron tend to occur.

So now we know that healthy soil is the most important to get a good harvest for farmers.

!Traditional fertilizer makes soil more acidic and is high potential for weed seeds.

Cocoly is specialty plant nutrients and soil nursery (balancing PH of soil).

There are several potential demand and benefit of Cocoly for farmers in nation an global. For example.

1. Cocoly is able to increase yield crops.
2. Regulate the PH of soil and nursing soil 
3. High nutrition and utilization up to 90 %.
4. Improve the plant strength rapidly and fruits taste, quality and its size at best level
5. Resistance of weather condition and prevent the disease of harmful bacteria
6. Save manpower much more and save water usage compare to traditional ones. (Available for all method of irrigation and fertilization)
7. High market value, much more harvest. (spend 1$ on Cocoly, earn more than that you paid for it by 10 times)

What is the cause of imbalance soil pH value?

 The biggest opportunity for the next 30 years is in agricultureJim Rogersone of the most famous investors of the 20th century said in CBNs interview.

 Nowadays, the rapid development of agriculture provides essential food for people's life. However, in the long-term intensive agricultural production process, excessive use of fertilizers and unscientific fertilization methods have caused damage to the soil structure, resulting in serious imbalanced pH value of soil, which has aroused the attention of the vast number of growers.

What is the cause of imbalance soil pH value?
In order to increase crops yield as soon as possible, farmers use a lot of water-soluble fertilizers with incomplete nutrition, but just few nutrients can be absorbed by the crops. After years of planting, the chemical composition in the soil is deposited, the organic matter content is reduced, and finally the soil pH is unbalanced.

What are the effects of soil acidification on crops?
1. Acid substances hurt the rootdirectly, affecting the growth of the root system, reducing the absorption capacity of crops to water and nutrients, and causing abnormal plants’ development.
2. The absorption and utilization rate of medium elements and trace elements are low. Soil acidification causes not only a large loss of nitrogen, but also the fixation of phosphorus and potassium.
3. Acidic soil is prone to the breeding of pathogenic fungi, decreasing the number of beneficial microorganism that decompose organic matters.The soil-borne disease is getting worse and worse.
4. The crops are weak in growth and low in disease resistance, so they are susceptible to disease infection.
What are the effects of soil alkalization on crops?
1. The plant can not get the required amount of iron to make chlorophyll.
2. The benign structure of the soil is destroyed and the soil is consolidated.
3. Alkaline soil has a high content of soluble salt, which is easy to produce toxic and harmful substances and cause various diseases.
4. The availability of nutrients in the soil is reduced, a large number of trace elements needed by crops are missing, and the plants can not develop normally.

Soils with unbalanced pH makes it less efficient to absorb nutrients from soil. Such a vicious cycle causes great damage to the soil and losses to farmers. So it is very important to choose reliable water-soluble fertilizer and use it correctly. However, traditional water-soluble fertilizers are powdery or liquid, which are not comprehensive and convenient to use.
So the first granular water-soluble fertilizer cocoly was born in 2013. Due to the rich nutrition and comprehensive application method, cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has been widely welcomed by farmers and exported to more than 20 countries.
As the founder of granular water-soluble fertilizer, cocoly can solve the most serious problem by adjusting the pH value and increasing the utilization of fertilizer because the core element PAS(Polymeric Acid Substance) that has been applied for national patent. 
Besides, the nutrients in cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer provide all the nutrients needed by crops throughout the growth cycle, and it contains a variety of beneficial bacteria that regulate the microbial environment of the soil.
Farmers can get better returns as long as the soil conditions in which crops grow are better. Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has been committed to the development of world agriculture and the efforts to make the global agricultural get harvest.


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In India, many farmers like to use cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer

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After using cocoly granular water-soluble fertlizer, the tea grower made more money

Time: March, 2019
Address: Leshan, Sichuan, China

 Mr. Xu is a responsible teacher and a professional tea grower with 10 years’ experience owning 3.3 acres of tea garden. 
Cocoly team came to his tea garden on March 23, 2019. In Leshan, the soil is hardened and acid due to the perennial use of traditional fertilizers. The first time he used fertilizer was the last time he applied cocoly fertilizer last winter. At that time, he found the effect was good. So he began to use a lot of cocoly fertilizer this year. He use fertilizer twice a year. He used 20kg of cocoly, 20 kg urea and 240-300kg oil cake (organic fertilizer) in each acre of tea.
Finally, he found that the growth of tea was very good, buds were full, the effect was very good. Compared with other tea gardens, his yield is obviously higher, and the tea picking period is 1 week earlier than other tea gardens.
In each line, he was able to pick 3kg more tea than anyone else. Now his tea has been sold at the highest price 5USD/kg. He is very happy for the result and will continue to use it in the future!


After using cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer the grapes are of high quality and high market value.

Last year, the farmer heard that cocoly fertilizer was very effective. So she began to use it on grapes and garlic, now its been two years.

Here is her grape field, 0.7 hectares in total. After using cocoly fertilizer, the grape plants grow well, quickly and strongly.
A hectare of grapes sold for about 40,000 dollars last year! By comparison, a hectare without cocoly fertilizer sells for about 30,000 dollars.
She usually uses 60kg cocoly fertilizer with 30kg organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. In the later stages, she would use cocoly as topdressing fertilizer a few more times.
Now the grapes in this field have been fertilized cocoly twice, including once today. You can see the effect is very good, the leaves are very dark green.
The effect of her garlic is also great after using cocoly fertilizer.
She has bought 800 kilograms of cocoly fertilizer this year. As a loyal user of cocoly, she promises to keep using it!


After using cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer, the grape plants grow strongly

Last year, the farmer heard that cocoly fertilizer was very effective. So she began to use it on grapes and garlic, now it's been two years.
Here is her grape field, 0.7 hectares in total. After using cocoly fertilizer, the grape plants grow well, quickly and strongly.
A hectare of grapes sold for about 40,000 dollars last year! By comparison, a hectare without cocoly fertilizer sells for about 30,000 dollars.
She usually uses 60kg cocoly fertilizer with 30kg organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. In the later stages, she would use cocoly as topdressing fertilizer a few more times.
Now the grapes in this field have been fertilized cocoly twice, including once today. You can see the effect is very good, the leaves are very dark green.
The effect of her garlic is also great after using cocoly fertilizer.
She has bought 800 kilograms of cocoly fertilizer this year. As a loyal user of cocoly, she promises to keep using it!


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Cocoly family felt the unlimited potential of Cocoly’s development

The 20th China (Shouguang) International Vegetable SciTech Fair is being held in Shouguang, “The Hometown of Vegetable”.


Cocoly family visited the international vegetable fair and  visited Cocoly factory under the guidance of production director.

By visiting Cocoly factory, customers were deeply impressed by the good working environment, orderly production flow, strict quality control and advanced automation equipment.

Subsequently, Mr. Sun(Cocoly CEO) communicated with Cocoly family about development planning, product sales and market layout in detail.

In the enterprise culture full of affinity and positive energy, Cocoly family felt the unlimited potential of Cocoly’s development, and gave affirmation to product quality, production process, service and so on.

Because of Cocoly we met and became a family. Cocoly family planted a tree of friendship.

Mr. Sun said "The tree of friendship symbolized that our Our cooperation will take root and develop continuously and we will pursue the new stage together. This is also a major event in the internationalized process of granular water-soluble fertilizer.” Believe that our friendship will grow as strong as this tree and Cocoly will be full of life as this tree!