
In the interview, we learned that the effect of cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer on potatoes shocked the whole village farmers.


On July 9th, 2022, Mr. Lu's potato in Pingdu City, Shandong Province was harvested. The yield per acre is 25500kg. Farmers in the same village are very envious. The villagers asked Mr. Lu the reason. Mr. Lu said that this year he used cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer. It turns out that cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is the key to Mr. Lu's success.

Mr. Lu said, "This year's potato harvest is particularly good. It is so tiring, but I’m so happy. " Mr. Lu has been using cocoly for about 10 years, said that he showed us the potatoes that had been used cocoly. The potatoes that have used cocoly are really big.

Mr. Lu told us: This year, the same variety of potato was planted on the same day. But the output of potatoes with other fertilizers is only about 3500kg. There is a difference of 750kg between us! The potatoes used cocoly are big, uniform, and without rotten fruit. The soil with cocoly is loose, which is more conducive to the growth of potatoes.

The effect of using cocoly is obvious. Please choose authentic granular water-soluble fertilizer-cocoly.

The root system of rice using cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is very developed.


Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has comprehensive nutrition and good effect.

 Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is the future development trend.

At present, the price of raw materials for fertilizers has been rising in the world. The price of traditional NPK fertilizer has also been rising.

Cocoly is a brown particle. It can be completely dissolved in water in three minutes. Therefore, cocoly is suitable for all fertilization methods, which can be sprinkled and irrigation. Farmers save more effort and time when using it. Farmers can use cocoly with less energy and get higher efficiency.

Because there is PAS in cocoly's core formula. PAS is a patent of cocoly. The absorption and utilization rate of Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is very high and can reach 80%. And the range of nutrient releases surrounds the roots of crops. This is more beneficial for crops to absorb and utilize the nutrients in the fertilizer.

Compared with the traditional NPK fertilizer, cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has comprehensive nutrients. cocoly also contains various beneficial bacteria. Cocoly can help regulate acid soil and alkaline soil.

To sum up, cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is the development trend of fertilizer in the future. Please support authentic granular water-soluble fertilizercocoly.


Cocoly family meeting was successfully concluded.


Cocoly family meeting in the second quarter was successfully held. In the meeting, we invited cocoly agents from all over the world. Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, the relationship between the cocoly family is still very good.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms. wish compared cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer with traditional fertilizer. Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer can be completely soluble in water. Its nutritional ingredients are rich and comprehensive. Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is more suitable for the crop. It can resist various plant diseases. Cocoly can also regulate soil acidity and alkalinity and reduce soil hardening. Agents in various countries have proved that cocoly's effect is really good with practical experiments.

The time of Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has come. Cocoly has been in the Chinese market for 10 years and has become the 1st granular water-soluble fertilizer in China.

Ms. wish talked about some effects of cocoly in China's market.

During this decade, we compared a lot of fertilizers. And use cocoly on different crops. A conclusion has been reached. Cocoly's effect is better than all traditional fertilizers. 

Not only in China, but cocoly has also received good feedback all over the world. 

At the meeting, agents from various countries actively shared their own experiences.Mr. Aziz from Kenya told the story of cocoly in Kenya. He said: Nowadays, soil acidification is becoming more and more serious. However, after farmers in Kenya used cocoly, the soil problems were alleviated. More and more Kenyan farmers choose to use cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizers.

At the meeting, Mr. Ling from Malaysia shared the effects and market work of cocoly in Malaysia. Cocoly works very well in Malaysia. They used cocoly on oil plam, and the effect was very obvious. Oil plam used cocoly can resist blight which caused by ganoderma lucidum. And Mr.Lin has put a billboard about cocoly on the highway to let more people in Malaysia know about cocoly's good effect. He also let more people know about cocoly through the exhibition. Let the people of Malaysia use better fertilizer-cocoly.

Mr. Jimmy from Taiwan said that people in Taiwan all know that there is a very good product called cocoly. Cocoly has been sold in Taiwan for three years. It can regulate acidic and alkaline soil and relieve soil hardening. Cocoly is a really good fertilizer.

Mr. Raja, agent of India led 750 Indian employees to promote cocoly in India. Mr. Raja said: Because the global raw material prices have risen, the prices of traditional fertilizers have risen. Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has become the best choice of more farmers.

Cocoly familiy online meeting in the second quarter was a complete success. We miss the cocoly family very much. We hope we can work toghter as soon as possible

Let's look forward to what surprises Cocoly will bring to you in the third quarter of 2022.


Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer makes Chinese wheat grow faster. Farmers harvest earlier.


Two different pieces of wheat which planted on the same day and used the same variety for comparison. Look at the photo, the results are extremely different because the neighbors use different fertilizers.

The effect of wheat using other fertilizers on the left is not satisfactory. Other fertilizers will cause the crazy growth of wheat seedlings. Wheat will fall down at the spike stage, and it is easy to be frozen When the temperature drops in spring. And it’s easy to be short of fertilizer supply in the later period.

On the right of the picture, wheat ears used cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer have bigger and fuller ears. The root system of wheat is developed. It also has strong stems and vigorous dark green leaves. And it has no yellow leaves and premature senescence.

These can enhance the resistance of wheat to diseases and pests.

The farmer was very happy after using cocoly and told us excitedly about the changes in wheat after using cocoly. Before he used cocoly, his wheat didn’t grow as well as the neighbors. After the rain, he sprinkled some cocoly. After that, his wheatears were 3–4cm longer and fuller than the neighbor’s wheat. Each acre is 100kg more than before.

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is widely used in fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and is also suitable for field crops such as wheat.

Farmers like to use cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer no matter what plants they plant.

 Cocoly’s staff interviewed Mr. Su who used cocoly on Chinese bulbous onion. Chinese bulbous onion is one of the important export vegetables in China. The interview was watched by farmers and attracted the attention of thousands of people on the internet. Mr. Su happily accepted the interview and shared with us the joy of harvest after using cocoly. The Chinese bulbous onion with cocoly has thicker stems and more roots, and the fruit is bigger and heavier. Under the condition of the same investment, the remarkable effect of cocoly is really surprising to dealers and farmers.

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer makes flowers grow fuller in color.


Four years ago, Ms. Wang had been using compound fertilizer. Flowers grow badly. The flowers are small and the color is dim. Ms. Wang measured the soil pH of five greenhouses. It is concluded that the pH value of soil is 5.5~5.7, which is weakly acidic. The reason is the use of compound fertilizer. The soil absorption and utilization rate is 30–40%, and the element absorption rate is low. The soil is short of a large number of elements, organic matter, microbial agents, and other nutrients. Eventually, salt accumulated, which inhibited the absorption of nutrients by roots, and the seedlings were weak and did not sprout.

Ms. Wang wanted to change the pH value of the soil, so she used cocoly. Then the effect shocked her. She applied cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer through foliar spraying and flushing. The pH of the soil has reached neutrality, which is beyond Ms. Wang’s expectations. Moreover, the flower bud is more compact, and height consistency and all aspects of flowers have been improved. The absorption and utilization rate of Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer can reach over 90%. Ms. Wang is very grateful to cocoly and has become a loyal supporter of cocoly.

The villagers were very happy after using cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer on potatoes.

 Mr. Wei, who used granular water-soluble fertilizer for the first time this year, was very happy to have a harvest. At the same time, he was a little sad. His other half of the greenhouse didn’t use cocoly fertilizer. The harvest of this half greenhouse is not as good as which with cocoly.

Mr. Wei told us how he met cocoly. The north of Mr. Wei’s greenhouse is not as bright as the south, so the potatoes in the north grow smaller. When he bought fertilizer three months ago, the local deal recommended that use fertilizer separately for the potatoes on the north and south sides, so he chose cocoly.

Potatoes are all in the same greenhouse, of the same variety, planted on the same day, and the investment cost is the same, but there is a difference of 600 kg between the north and the south.

Potatoes with cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer are smooth and spot-free, with a larger proportion of extra-large fruit and a higher yield. The potatoes with cocoly are obviously smooth and bright. Most importantly, the yield in the north is 4,450 kg, while the yield on the side with compound fertilizer is 4,350 kg. The yield with cocoly is 600 kg more than that with compound fertilizer. If cocoly is used on the other side, there will be more harvest. If you calculate it at $0.25 per kilogram, you will earn an extra $920 per acre.

Mr. Wei told us that he will use cocoly on all potatoes next year, and there must be a huge harvest.

After using cocoly, potatoes look better.

Pull out 5 trees from each side randomly and weigh them. It’s heavier to use cocoly’s.

Compared with the number of plants, the size of fruit using cocoly is larger.
Compared with the yield of the same area, the yield of cocoly is higher.

Wheat treated with cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer grows taller and bigger.


At 9 o’clock, cocoly’s staff came to Dangshan County for live interview. When everyone arrived at Cao Zhuang Village, Caozhuang Town, Dangshan County, the staff found that the villagers were talking about why Zhang Quanzhan’s wheat fields were growing very well. Why is there such a big difference between the same wheat planted on the same day?

Mr. Zhang said: Originally, the wheat I planted was not as good as the neighbor’s, and then I tried to use cocoly. As a result, now my wheat grows best in the village. The wheat straw with cocoly is thick. The ears of wheat are longer. The ears of wheat are bigger. From the comparison of roots, it can be seen that the root system of wheat with cocoly is flourishing. The stem is thicker. Wheat with cocoly has strong lodging resistance.

The staff used actual data to show farmers how good cocoly’s effect is. The staff weighed four ears of wheat.

The weight of four wheat ears with compound fertilizer was 19.3g . Four ears of wheat using cocoly are 22.33g There is a difference of 3g.

The staff also weigh two ears of wheat. The weight of two wheat ears used with compound fertilizer is 10.4g.Two wheat ears with cocoly weigh 11g.

All the wheat grains on one ear with cocoly weigh 4.2g. The weight of all wheat grains in one wheat ear with compound fertilizer is 3.0g.

Mr. Zhang said that using cocoly could increase the yield by 1077kg per acre. If the price is $0.5/kg, the income of an acre of land will be $538.5 more. As can be seen from the data, the wheat used cocoly grows better.

Cocoly works well on field crops, such as wheat and rice. Please choose Chinese 1st granular water-soluble fertilizer — cocoly.

Potatoes using cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer have a huge harvest.

Mr. Wei, who lives in Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, is busy harvesting potatoes in the field. This year is the first time he uses cocoly, but he is half happy and half sad. Since half of his fields are not using cocoly, the potatoes are not very good.

In March this year, Mr. Wei went to the agricultural materials store to buy fertilizer. Because the north-south orientation of the greenhouse was different, the light received was different. Therefore, the growth of potatoes is also different. The owner of the agricultural materials store recommended that he use a different fertilizer. He chooses to use cocoly in the north and compound fertilizer in the south.

Although the input cost is the same, the harvested potatoes are not the same. Potatoes using cocoly not only grew evenly and roundly but also had 600 kg more than those using compound fertilizer in the south. They succeed in both mass and weight. The yield of this field to the north is 4950 kg and to the south, it is 4350 kg. At $0.28 per kilogram, the difference per acre is $1008.

Potato appearance comparison

Comparison of north and south random weighingPotato appearance comparison

Size comparison of the same number of potatoes

Yield comparison of the same area

Mr. Wei said that potatoes grown with cocoly granulated water-soluble fertilizer are obviously better and will continue to be used next year.

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has a very good effect on corn.

In Shenyang, China, there is an uncle and nephew. They rented 117 acres of land to plant corn. Uncle was very angry. This year, his nephew’s corn was much better than his.

The staff made a special interview to find out what caused this situation. The same kind of corn planted on the same day. Because nephew’s base fertilizer is mixed with cocoly, corn is growing very well this year.

After using cocoly, two corn grow on one cornstalk. The leaves are greener. Corn grows taller. Corn can be harvested faster. Corn is heavier and fuller. Corn has developed roots.

Uncle just used other fertilizers. His corn grows unevenly and slowly. The root system is underdeveloped. The yield of corn is low.

Because of this event. Everyone in the village knows that cocoly works well. More and more growers choose cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer to plant corn.

Corn plants with only other fertilizers are short, uneven and have yellow leaves.

The stalk of corn using cocoly is 1.8cm thicker than that of corn using other fertilizers.

Corn that has used cocoly has many capillary roots, developed aerial roots and strong roots.

The leaves of corn using cocoly are thick, green and larger, which is beneficial to photosynthesis and nutrient absorption. The width of the leaves with cocoly is 12cm. The width of the leaves with other fertilizers is 9cm.

Although the nutrient content of traditional fertilizer is high, the nutrients are single and fixed, which can’t meet the needs of more soil environment and crop growth. The nutrients of traditional fertilizer can’t be released effectively in sandy land or dry conditions. It may result in insufficient nutrition supply of plants. However, the way of using traditional fertilizer mixed with granular water-soluble fertilizer is not the same. It not only supplements the nutrients needed by crops but also resists diseases and insect pests. It also can improve the absorption and utilization rate of NPK.

Please choose cocoly, the China’s 1st granular water-soluble fertilizer.

Today, let's calculate the cost of cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer on field crops.

Farmers are reluctant to use granular water-soluble fertilizers on field crops. They think that granular water-soluble fertilizer is inconvenient to use and expensive. It is suitable for greenhouse vegetables, fruit trees, and other cash crops. For a long time, traditional fertilizer, for example, such as NPK fertilizer and urea fertilizer has been mainly used in field crops, and farmers think it is economical.

But in recent years, the price of raw materials has been soaring. The price of compound fertilizer is also soaring, and farmers’ requirements for fertilizer are constantly increasing. The granular water-soluble fertilizer can meet the needs of farmers. More and more farmers chose granular water-soluble fertilizers for field crops.

More and more farmers reduce the amount of NPK fertilizer and use it with a granular water-soluble fertilizer. People are most concerned about the cost of investment.

Today, let’s solve the farmer’s question. Let’s calculate the cost of using cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer.

Experiments in corn fields show that the investment cost of using granular water-soluble fertilizer is 40 dollars per acre higher than that of using compound fertilizer alone. An acre of the field earned an extra $538 this year. Therefore, using cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer is not expensive at all.

In Liaoning province, the cost of using cocoly mixed compound fertilizer as the base fertilizer of corn is increased by 20 dollars per acre. Finally, the yield increased by 720 kg per acre.

Compared with NPK fertilizer, cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer has obvious advantages for the following reasons:

The absorption and utilization rate of NPK fertilizer is 30%~40%. The NPK content of cocoly is lower, but it has comprehensive nutrients and its absorption and utilization rate can reach over 80%. Cocoly can promote crop yield.

Cocoly has comprehensive nutrients. Farmers can use cocoly with less fertilizer to achieve better results. Finally, the quality and output of agricultural products can be improved. Cocoly also can balance the acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

Cocoly is more convenient to use. It can be applied to all fertilization and irrigation methods.

Traditional fertilizers can’t meet the needs of farmers. And the cost of traditional fertilizer is getting higher and higher. Granular water-soluble fertilizer is the future development trend of fertilizer all over the world. More and more people choose to use a granular water-soluble fertilizer. Please choose the 1st granular water-soluble fertilizer in China — cocoly.

Cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer can get more income with lower cost.


Farmers in Jimo District, Shandong Province, China have been using cocoly for a long time. But they only use cocoly on cash crops such as cucumbers and tomatoes. It works very well.

Now it’s the corn planting season, but farmers don’t think cocoly can be used in field crops. They think it is too expensive to use cocoly on field crops. They use NPK fertilizer on corn.

Mr. Cheng, a dealer, wants to let farmers know the real effect of cocoly and help farmers get a bigger harvest. He asked several farmers to do the experiment. They mixed 60kg cocoly with 180kg NPK fertilizer in an acre of field. And they only use 50kg NPK fertilizer on another acre of field. At a lower cost, let’s look at the growth of corn after using cocoly. After only half a month, Mr. Cheng and the farmers saw the obvious difference in these two fields.

The corn in the two fields is the same kind and they were planted on the same day. Corn seedlings using cocoly grow faster and taller. Leaves are thicker and greener. The root system of corn is vigorous and developed. The stalk of corn is thicker.

In contrast, in the field where only NPK fertilizer is used, corn seedlings are short. The leaves are also very small. The corn seedlings grow slowly.

Farmers have seen the obvious effect of using cocoly on field crops through experiments. The other villagers were pleasantly surprised to say that the effect of cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer was so good. The experimental results of cocoly’s good application on corn gradually spread in the village. They all went to the dealer‘s shop to buy cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizer. Farmers hope that their corn can get a huge harvest after using cocoly.

Experiments have proved that cocoly is not only suitable for cash crops but also can bring a good application effect to field crops. The cost of using cocoly fertilizer is lower, and the effect of cocoly is very good. This is why more and more farmers choose to buy cocoly granular water-soluble fertilizers.

Please choose cocoly, the 1st granular water-soluble fertilizer in China.